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Robocon Egypt 2007 Videos

robocon egypt cu cairo eng
Robocon Egypt 2007 Robotan VS Mahroos
Robotan team (green) from Faculity of Computers & Informatics - Zagazig Universty VS Mahroos team (red) from Arab Academy - Alex in the champion of Robocon Egypt 2007 The game was between
Egypt Robocon 2007 Mempers
The Govenmental Unviersty mempers , who was in Robocon Egypt 2007, in th BUS
egypt robocon 2007
this game which phantom "from HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE" take the 3rd PLACE IN ROBOCON 2007
egypt robocon 2007
this game we"phantom from HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE" Defeated ain shams university with score 14 point
ROBOCON 2007 egypt handaset port said
suez canal university handasa robocon 2007 micro team micro team
Robocon 2007 InfiniTeam
InfiniTeam in Robocon 2007 Egypt فريق انفنيتيم من جامعة 6 اكتوبر مع احد فرق جامعة الاكاديمية البحرية, وقد فاز على 3 فرق من تلك �
Egypt Robocon 2007 - Menouf vs El mansora
Egypt Robocon 2007 - Menouf vs El mansora
Robocon 2007 EGYPT
Shorouk Academy,Ahmed Saleh
robocon 2004 egypt (25) vs korea (5) AASTMT cairo
AASTMT - Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport cairo robocon 2004 my team work eng.wessam elhefnawy , eng.tamer hamed , eng.housam bamatrf ( thanks my best team work 2007 abdo,ne
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